
Welcome to APS CUWiP at NYC 2018

On the weekend of January 12-14, 2018, Columbia University, Barnard College, and City College of New York will host the American Physical Society Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (APS CUWiP) for the metropolitan New York region.

the crowd

What is CUWiP?

The APS CUWiP goal is to help undergraduate women continue in physics by providing them with the opportunity to experience a professional conference, information about graduate school and professions in physics, and access to other women in physics of all ages with whom they can share experiences, advice, and ideas.

More details

the atom

What's the plan?

We will have talks, panels, food, posters and more.

Here is a pdf of the entire program.

See the schedule

the city

Can I come?

Thank you for your interest! Applications have closed. Take a look at APS CUWiP's website for future CUWiPs and apply next year!

In the meantime, stay connected on instagram and twitter.

National Sponsors

These conferences are supported in part by the National Science Foundation (PHY-1346627) and the Department of Energy Office of Science (DE-SC0011076). Further details are available on the APS conference website.
